🌱🌲 Nurse Log Notes

a digital mind garden planted by c wess daniels


cwdaniels10th May 2020 at 9:06pm

Hi my name is Wess and I'd like to welcome you to my Mind Garden, a public notebook posted here in the spirit of sharing.

This is a "digital garden" born out of the seeds of notes and ideas that I am working on. Some of these are here for my own reference. Some I put here because I think they may be helpful to someone else. Some are in the process of being pruned. Some are just little seedlings waiting for some sun. Whatever process these notes are in, I find many Mind Garden Benefits.

I like the image of a Nurse Log because it is a naturally occurring event in the forest provides "ecological facilitation" of growth, allowing for the decay from one living thing to provide life and support to other organisms that are emerging.

Feel free to poke around and discover the fruit of my work for yourself.

Here are a few notes to start with:

If you have any questions or would like to contact me, you can find me on twitter @cwdaniels

Thanks for dropping by, Wess
